Even Bracket Numbers

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The bracket above is a 16 Team 'Seeded' double elimination bracket. The same idea is used for all brackets, not matter what the number of participants are. A: The letter 'A' points to the 'Seeds' of the tournament, if you have pre-ranked your participants based on strength or a season record you would put each team's name on the corresponding line. Fill out the options and click 'Create My Bracket' to create a pdf bracket. To make a bracket without teams skipping a round, the number of teams must be a power of 2. (2,4,8,16,32,64 ) Want to create a bracket with 64 teams and a 4-8 team pre-tournament? Simply create two brackets. Want to add graphics or logos? First, create the bracket.

Brackets are symbols used in pairs to group things together.

Types of brackets include:

  • parentheses or 'round brackets' ( )
  • 'square brackets' or 'box brackets' [ ]
  • braces or 'curly brackets' { }
  • 'angle brackets' < >
(Note: Angle brackets can be confusing as they
look like the 'less than' and 'greater than' signs)

When we see things inside brackets we do them first (as explained in Order of Operations).

Example: (3 + 2) × (6 − 4)

The parentheses group 3 and 2 together, and 6 and 4 together, so they get done first:

(3 + 2) × (6 − 4)
= (5) × (2)
= 5×2
= 10

Without the parentheses the multiplication is done first:

3 + 2 × 6 − 4
= 3 + 12 − 4
= 11
(not 10)

With more complicated grouping it is good to use different types of brackets:

Example: [(3 + 2) × (6 - 4) + 2] × 4

The parentheses group 3 and 2 together, and 6 and 4 together, and the square brackets tell us to do all the calculations inside them before multiplying by 4:

[(3 + 2) × (6 − 4) + 2] × 4
= [(5) × (2) + 2] × 4
= [10 + 2] × 4
= 12 × 4
= 48

Curly Brackets

Even Bracket Numbers Calculator

Curly brackets {} are used in Sets:

Example: {2, 4, 6, 8}

Is the set of even numbers from 2 to 8


Now you can move on to exponents, using the cancellation-of-minus-signs property of multiplication.

Recall that powers create repeated multiplication. For instance, (3)2 = (3)(3) = 9. So we can use some of what we've learned already about multiplication with negatives (in particular, we we've learned about cancelling off pairs of minus signs) when we find negative numbers inside exponents.

For instance:


  • Simplify (–3)2

Even Bracket Numbers

The square means 'multiplied against itself, with two copies of the base'. This means that I'll have two 'minus' signs, which I can cancel:

Pay careful attention and note the difference between the above exercise and the following:

  • Simplify –32

–32 = –(3)(3) = –1(3)(3) = (–1)(9) = –9

In the second exercise, the square (the 'to the power 2') was only on the 3; it was not on the minus sign. Those parentheses in the first exercise make all the difference in the world! Be careful with them, especially when you are entering expressions into software. Different software may treat the same expression very differently, as one researcher has demonstrated very thoroughly.

Even Bracket Numbers

Content Continues Below

  • Simplify (–3)3

(–3)3 = (–3)(–3)(–3)

  • Simplify (–3)4

(–3)4 = (–3)(–3)(–3)(–3)

  • Simplify (–3)5

(–3)5 = (–3)(–3)(–3)(–3)(–3)

= (+3)(+3)(–3)(–3)(–3)

= (+3)(+3)(+3)(+3)(–3)

= (9)(9)(–3)

= –243

Note the pattern: A negative number taken to an even power gives a positive result (because the pairs of negatives cancel), and a negative number taken to an odd power gives a negative result (because, after cancelling, there will be one minus sign left over). So if they give you an exercise containing something slightly ridiculous like (–1)1001, you know that the answer will either be +1 or –1, and, since 1001 is odd, then the answer must be –1.

You can also do negatives inside roots and radicals, but only if you're careful. You can simplify , because there is a number that squares to 16. That is,

...because 42 = 16. But what about ? Can you square anything and have it come up negative?No! So you cannot take the square root (or the fourth root, or the sixth root, or the eighth root, or any other even root) of a negative number. On the other hand, you can do cube roots of negative numbers. For instance:

...because (–2)3 = –8. For the same reason, you can take any odd root (third root, fifth root, seventh root, etc.) of a negative number.

Even Bracket Numbers Printable

URL: https://www.purplemath.com/modules/negative4.htm